Monday, December 11, 2017


My apologies for the lack of posts. My life has experienced a whirlwind of events and changes over the past 3 months, including delving into the world of video game development. Most notably, I had the wonderful opportunity to work for Idea Factory International, Inc. as part of their Quality Assurance/Editing team. With their blessing, I contributed to the development of the scripts for their upcoming visual novel game, Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms, which is due out in Spring 2018. It was a pleasure to work with such fun and devoted individuals on this project, and I can't wait for the world to see what we've created. In the meantime, while I carve out the next leg of my path as a writer, I thought I'd share a piece from back in my college days that was never formally published. Please enjoy.


“You like this kind of music?” Frank asked.
From across the room, I shut the drawer full of shirts I had been leafing through and turned towards him, surprised at his off-hand question. “Excuse me?”
He motioned towards the green and bronze FM radio on his bedside table, which was piping out a warm and driving overture. “The classical station. It’s good stuff.”
“Oh. I do, actually. I used to listen to it all the time.”
“Me too. I used to play trombone in a big band. We played all this stuff.”
“Oh yeah? Who’s playing right now?”
“Oh, I dunno, Billy. It’s been a long time. It might be Stravinsky, or Wagner, or maybe Rachmaninoff.”
I chuckled and turned back to the dresser, shaking my head as I sorted out pairs of socks. “Did you want to wear the brown or argyle today?” I asked, holding up each for him to see.
Frank sat at the edge of the bed, seemingly studying his attire – a collared white button-up shirt and grey sweatpants. He didn’t seem to hear my question. Next to him, the speaker began to churn out the first movement, speckling it with static as the string section started to swell. He scratched at his silvery hair, which formed a transparent helm that ran from his widow’s peak down the back of his head. The unblinking eyes and furrowed brow suggested that something was troubling him.
“How long was I asleep for?” Frank finally asked.
“You were napping for about an hour.”
“Christ, that’s too long. I don’t even remember having breakfast.”
“Well, it’s just about lunch time. That’s why I’m here. It’s time to get up.”
“I know, I’m trying. Just a little groggy. Hey, you ever hear this type of music before?”
The flutes sounded off the last note of the leitmotif and the strings began to swell once again for the first variation.
“Yeah, I used to listen to it,” I replied.
“Same here buddy. Not sure who this is though. Maybe Stravinsky? Or Wagner? Maybe Rachmaninoff?”
“C’mon, Frank. Lunch is in ten minutes. I don’t want you to be late again.”
“Okay Billy.” He gave a great cough ah-HUM and pulled handkerchief from his breast pocket, blowing his nose loudly. From the speakers, the brass section answered him with equal gusto. “Damn these allergies. Okay, let’s go with the argyle.”
Where I work, they’re called “residents,” not patients. They live in a “community,” not a facility. We’re called “partners,” not caretakers. Residents are “in need of assistance,” they’re not sick or disabled or crazy.
The building is divided into three sections. The front half that faces the street is the biggest section, Assisted Living, where the independent and able-bodied residents live. The back half is called The Neighborhood, which houses those in need of minor to moderate assistance. That’s where I’m normally stationed. The entire second floor is devoted to The Terrace, where they look after those in need of constant heavy assistance. This included the mentally-impaired, whom we lovingly referred to as “the pleasantly confused.”
The way it goes is like this: those in Assisted Living fear that they may one day end up in The Terrace. Those in The Neighborhood wonder if they belong in The Terrace. Those in The Terrace don’t realize they’re in The Terrace, or anywhere else for that matter.
It was Wednesday. That meant that today’s post-lunch afternoon activity was an entertainment social. The act was typically either a hired professional or, on occasions such as today, one of the partners on staff. By process of elimination (i.e. I was the only one on the team with any sort of inclination for music), I was drafted to play for the residents on the upright ebony and faux-gold piano we kept against the back wall of the dining area. I performed the few songs I knew: “Fur Elise,” “Here’s that Rainy Day,” and the intro to “My Immortal.” I got the usual clapping and compliments of “You’re so talented!” when I was finished, then went to assist people back to their rooms, starting with Frank.
“Hey, that was really good!” he said as I approached. He was sitting cross-legged in his wheelchair, hands folded in his lap. “You’ve got a real talent there, kid. Don’t ever lose that.”
“Thanks Frank.”
“You ever consider going professional? Like in a big band or a composer or something?”
“I did at one point in my life.”
“You mean you don’t want to anymore?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, I just can’t afford the tuition at most universities. Heck, I can’t even afford junior college right now. I’m working full-time too, so there’s not much time to practice nowadays. Maybe after a while I’ll have saved up enough to go back and finish school.”
“Well Billy, I hope that you do. You really are a talented guy. Don’t ever let that get away from you. You’ve got a lot of potential, you just gotta work hard. That’s how I got ahead in life.”
“Thanks Frank, I’ll try to remember that.”
“I remember one time, they gave me this IQ test at the college I was at. It was for all the engineering majors only. You wanna know what they told me afterwards?”
As I asked him this, the blues of his irises seemed to shimmer slightly and retract, giving way to large pitch-covered pupils, like a set of periscope lenses had taken refuge in his sockets.
“They said my IQ was off the charts. They never saw any score so high before. Then they said they were from NASA, and wanted another engineer in their program.”
“Mmhmm,” I said, stepping around to the back of his wheelchair. Sometimes, I felt like Frank was the only one who got me. Even if he was only imagining that parts of his life when he was a trombone player or an engineer, he understood how hard I worked, both as a partner and as a student. Granted, I had given up studying the art when costs caught up to me, but Frank’s endless reminiscing kept a faint spark of that dream alive for me.
After a moment of silence, Frank asked, “Hey, what was that first song you were playing? Stravinsky? Wagner? Rachmaninoff?”
“Beethoven, actually.”
“Good stuff, man. I used to be in a band, you know,” Frank gave a great yawn that sounded like a drawn-out dog yelp. “Christ, I can’t keep my eyes open. You got any coffee?”
“Not yet, we’re still brewing it. Let’s go back to your room, you can take a nap. I’ll wake you up when it’s dinner time.”
“When I get there, I wanna wash my eyes out and get a drink of water.”
“You got it.”
From across the room, my coworker Montana was leading Paula Jenkins by the arm through the kitchen. She stopped momentarily to call out, “Hey Billy! Make it quick! We still need to make dinner rolls before the food carts get here!”
“It takes as long as it takes!” I answered.
Under her breath, I heard her mutter, “Just don’t let him take half an hour to wash his eyes…again.”
“I’ll be back in a bit,” I said, dismissing her remark.
As we approached the door to Frank’s room in the hallway, he turned his head slightly towards me. “What’s her problem?” he asked.
“Montana is just task-oriented, she doesn’t like taking too long to do any one thing.”
“Well, when she’s my age, she’ll understand that it takes a long time for people like me to do anything. You can’t rush these things.”
“That’s true. Maybe we should go back there and tell her that.”
“I have half a mind to. She reminds me of one of those cranky ol’ biddies. You know, the ones with the snobby voices and the pointed fingernails? They laugh like ‘hee-hee, hee-hee.’”
I couldn’t help but laugh. Frank’s “old biddy” impressions never ceased to make me forget how much of a drag the rest of my job was. I really did enjoy working with the residents. Frank in particular had quickly become a favorite of mine. We got along like two old drinking buddies, even though he had only been living here about 2 months. We would swap stories and complain about the management every day. It made the shifts go by a lot faster. He was like the older brother I never had. A much, much, much older brother, mind you.
Where I work, we use a technique called “joining the journey.” There will be times when a resident's perception of reality becomes different than our own, and they will begin to forget certain things, and even believe things that are completely fabricated. When this happens, you're not supposed to refute them or correct them. You just go along with it. You take them by the hand into Wonderland, and you ride that flying ship all the way to wherever Treasure Island is for them. It makes it that much easier to bring them back down to reality. It makes them less hostile, less agitated, less likely for them to run away or hit you or try to act on their own without your assistance.
Sometimes, however, this technique doesn't work at all. The reality becomes too overwhelming for them. Imagine their position: abandoned by their family, being ordered around by little brats in red aprons, shoveling down the same poorly-prepared food for three meals a day, surrounded by the same people, doing the same things every week. Sometimes, they get anxious. Sometimes, they get scared. And fear has a way of giving even the unable-bodied the will to move. At least, that's what I've heard.
I parked Frank in front of his sink, locking the brakes and keeping both hands on the back of the seat as he pushed himself up on the armrests, leaning on the edge of the sink for support. He splashed his eyes a few times, then without turning to me, he said, “Man oh man, I have not been the same since that fall. Must have been months now and I'm still not recovered.”
“It's only been about two weeks, Frank. All you need is some time to get back on your feet.”
“I landed on my spine, you know.”
“I know.”
“Don’t believe what they say, I didn't really trip. The bottom of my shoe just didn't slide across the floor like it's supposed to. It was like putting on the brakes real fast. As I fell, I told myself, 'Land on something soft.' So I landed on my butt. I think I must have landed right on my spinal column. I guess not everything it soft down there.”
All I could do was nod. I knew the story so well I could probably reenact it word for word. He told it every time we took him to the bathroom or to wash his eyes out. That was easily three to four times on a single shift. The mind really does go first when you get older.
It was a shame, if you thought about it. Frank used to do a lot of athletic activities in his youth. His favorite was riding in bike marathons on weekends. “Up and down the coast in California,” he would tell me. “From San Diego to Monterey. I was so strong.” He would often pull up the legs of his sweatpants and say, “You see how skinny those calves are? That's what happens when you exercise all the time.” Nowadays, he spoke of it as if it were a lifetime ago. “I don't know what happened to me, Billy. My legs are so shaky. That's what happens when you stop being active. Your legs muscles start to atrophy and get useless. I gotta start exercising more. You think maybe they can take me for a walk with my walker in the mornings, just down the hallway and back? At least twice a day would be best.” I had to tell him every time that I would let the morning team know. I did mention it to them a few times. At that point, whether they actually did it or not was out of my hands.
He splashed his face a couple more times before plopping back down onto his seat. I handed him a towel, and saw a familiar blank look cross his face. His eyes stopped blinking, his brow stiffened, and the bright blues of his pupils dilated just as before. I realized a while back that in moments such as these, Frank was a temporal pilgrim, unstuck in time. I could only imagine how many times he had gone to sleep an athlete and a breadwinner and awoke on his wedding day. After a brief sojourn, he came back down to earth.
“You see that dog there?” Frank pointed to three pictures taped to the cabinet doors above the sink. They were all of a large brown and white sheepdog lounging on a flight of maroon-carpeted stairs. “That's my beautiful dog. His name's Russ.”
I opened up the cabinet doors and pulled out a drinking glass. “That is a good-looking dog there, Frank,” I replied as I filled up the glass using the tap. “I wish I had one. Here you go.”
“I wonder if I'll ever see Russ again,” Frank murmured, taking the glass from my outstretched hand. His eyes glazed over and became distant again. “You know, my wife brought me here. She said I can come back home when I get better. I told her we should install a stair elevator so I can go up and down without stressing out my legs. You know what she said to that?”
“She said, 'You know how much that will cost?' Jesus Christ, can you believe it?” Frank took a large gulp of water. “I miss my family. I miss my wife. I miss my dog.” His eyes seemed to bore into the pictures of Russ, as if somehow Russ would appear next to him if he stared long enough.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that Russ had been dead for a long time already due to age, and that his wife wasn't coming back to him. She was too busy paying the bills and working full time. She didn't have time to take care of someone with Alzheimer's. Neither did their sons, who had wives and dogs of their own to tend to. I could never break it to him, but this community was the rest of his life.
The radio was still humming in the background. No one ever turned it off. Frank always worried that he would forget his favorite station if it was ever turned off. The sound of the radio was as constant as the steady decline of anyone who lived here. It was still tuned to the classical station, with the violins sounding off long runs of notes culminating in a dramatic plagal cadence. I found myself wondering who the composer was. Stravinsky? Wagner? Rachmaninoff? I wanted to ask Frank, even though I knew he wouldn't have the answer.
The pristine blue had returned to his gaze, and he downed the rest of his glass. “All right buddy, let's get me to bed.”
Where I work, there are no accidents, only “incidents.” They happen when residents don't call for assistance, believing that they are still capable of doing what they used to normally do on their own. Sometimes, it is unexpected, and an able-bodied resident will trip or bump into something, or swallow the wrong way and choke. Occasionally, an incident will prove fatal to the resident, and that's when you call in the family, the paramedics, and the community coordinator, just to be sure you got all your tracks covered.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of three adults age 65 or older falls each year, but less than half of these people talk to their healthcare providers about it. Among adults 65 and up, falls are the leading cause of injury-related death. They are also the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital admissions for trauma. It's amazing to think that any object, be it a desk, a chair, or even just the floor, becomes deadly if you approach it fast enough and at the right angle.
Where I work, residents don't die, they “expire.” Like bad milk. Or coupons. I think it’s a poor term. It makes them sound like objects, not people.
The night shift had just come in when it happened. I was finishing paperwork and putting away equipment while the other partners did their rounds. All of a sudden, I heard Montana frantically calling out on the radio, “All Neighborhood partners report to Room 301 immediately! This is an emergency!”
For a moment, I forgot how to breathe. Room 301. Frank's room.
I was up in a flash. As I rushed down the hallway, I heard the faint symphony of winds and strings billowing out of his open door, intermingling with a chorus of tense voices speaking unintelligibly over each other. I skidded to a halt in the doorway and froze. Montana and two other partners were kneeling down next to Frank's bed, bent over a limp form on the ground. Their backs obscured most of him from view, but even from the hallway I could see the mass of blankets half-pulled off the mattress and tangled around a pair of legs stretching out past the foot of the bed. I had been the last to arrive. Was I too late?
I edged my way in and crouched down next to Montana, peering over her shoulder. Frank was on his back, rigid and motionless like a plastic doll, blood oozing out of a small wound on his temple. His eyes were still open, and had the familiar opaqueness that I had seen so many times before. I nudged Montana aside and leaned in close. “Frank? Frank, are you still there? Frank, say something. Anything. Blink if you can hear me. Frank? Frank! FRANK!”
No response. He continued to lay there in stone-faced contemplation, much as he had always done when he washed his face or listened to the radio. I staggered backwards until I felt the wall to my back, the panicked cries of the other partners growing distant. Time slowed to an adagio, like pouring cold honey out of a jar. Even from how far back I was, I could still see Frank's shale blue eyes glinting at me, hypnotizing me. It was only when the harmonious dissonance of wailing sirens reached my ears that I found the will to move again. I stood up, leaning against his dresser for support as the paramedics came in and lifted his body onto a stretcher. They wheeled him away, and a cacophony of voices and feet scampering down the hallway sounded off their departure. It was all white noise and static to me as I stood there, lost in the discordant buzz of the moment.
When the last partner had vacated Frank's room, I sank down to the floor, burying my face into my knees. The radio had fallen off the table next to Frank's bed, but it continued to play as if nothing changed. Even through its distorted sputtering I could make out the climatic swell of the Grand Coda. Cymbals crashed and brazen horns howled into the air, providing the perfect accompaniment to the growing crescendo of my anguished cries, creating a bitterly beautiful concerto that only the walls and furniture could hear.

I may not have known composers, but it was certainly a rendition that would have rocked the bones of Stravinsky. And Wagner. And yes, even Rachmaninoff.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

The - 9/9/17 - "FLAWLESS: 20 Times Jessica Nigri Cosplayed A Male Character"

Original link:

Nobody rocks the cosplay world like Nigri does. As one of the reigning queens of cosplay, Jessica Nigri has been the face of innovation, creativity, and fun in the convention and nerd culture scene since its explosion in the early 2000s, and she’s only just getting started. The rising relevance and presence of cosplay in today’s pop culture has only increased the need for creative minds and innovative entertainers, and in that regard, Jessica has the costume game on lock. As we’ve stated in a previous article, Jessica has and always will be a hot name in cosplay, and there’s hardly a conversation about cosplay that goes by without some mention of Nigri’s brilliance and influence.

But aside from showing off skillful and detailed recreations of fan-favorite characters, Jessica is also known for putting her own spin on known characters. This is most apparent in her interpretations of male characters from video games, movies, and TV. Join us as we check out some of Jessica’s most cosplays of male characters, from the sexy to the badass. Let us know your favorites in the comments below, and tell us if we missed an awesome Nigri costume that you think deserves a spot on this list!

20. Still Not A Ginger, But Still Lovely

Allons-y! Everyone’s favorite timey-wimey transdimensional traveler gets a tantalizing twist thanks to Jessica’s cute-yet-classy take on this nerd culture icon. The trademark aspects of The Tenth Doctor are still present: the dapper trench coat, the black-framed eyeglasses, the Sonic Screwdriver, all these things evoke fond memories of David Tennant’s reign as The Doctor. The twist comes in the form of Jessica’s long brunette hair, a shake-up from Tennant’s short and spiky style, as well as the dress suit-inspired ensemble that retains the classiness and sophistication of The Doctor while painting this as a Nigri original. While one can consider this a more conservative and modest look from a cosplayer known for her playful eccentricity, this costume goes to show that Jessica is capable of demonstrating a wide breadth of styles, from the wild to the refined.

19. A True Heroine Of Time

Any fan of the Legend of Zelda series is well-aware of the long-standing “What If Zelda Is A Girl” meme that eternally plagues our flute-playing pot-smashing protagonist, Link. Jessica looks to blow that tidbit of trending troll trivia wide open with her female version of the Hero of Time, pictured above next to fellow cosplay queen Lindsay Elyse as Navi. With this costume, Jessica plays it closer to the iconic design, complete with a simple green tunic, white leggings, and minimal use of accessories, resulting in a familiar yet well-executed look. As the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and that adage holds true even in cosplay. Sometimes, it’s not about reinventing the wheel; it’s about making the best wheel you can make, and in that regard, Jessica beautifully presents a classic, no-fuss version of this beloved video game mascot.

18. Maximum Effort? More Like Maximum Steamy

Roll out the chimichangas and hold on to your butts, ‘cuz we’ve got a hot one incoming! Sorry Wade Wilson, but while you can certainly fill out the red and black body suit nicely, Jessica’s killer curves take this foul-mouthed merc to a whole new level of s*xy. Who knew a cosplay could look so tantalizing while showing virtually no skin? Such is the Marvel that is Jessica Nigri, who uses her eye for precision in tandem with her alluring beauty to reinvent and reinvigorate popular characters into something new and exciting. Deadpool is already amazing by design, so Jessica takes care to preserve the character’s core aesthetics, toting the full arsenal of katanas, branded grenades, and twin pistols while allowing her flawless figure to rock the Spiderman-esque super suit.

17. Barrel Rolling Into Our Hearts

While the Star Fox games focused heavily on aerial combat and maneuvering sequences, it would a real shame to keep a pilot as good-looking as this cooped up in that Arwing cockpit. We like to think that Jessica took some inspiration from the one-off Star Fox Adventures release, which features Fox McCloud facing fierce foes and tackling dangerous endeavors on foot rather than in a vehicle. In any case, this Foxy lady has us wanting less space time and more face time in the next release. The execution of this costume is brilliant, channeling a grace and allure similar to Zero Suit Samus via the dynamic pose and use of props. Stylish and sexy, this is an instant highlight of Nigri’s creativity and we absolutely love it!

16. The Princess Of All Saiyans

This… this power! What is she!? Why, she’s the one and only princess of all Saiyans, of course! Jessica’s sexy version of Vegeta was made and worn in the early stages of her career, and it’s so crazy to think that with how awesome this cosplay is, she was only just starting to power up as a cosplayer! The design for this fem-Vegeta is also creative in how it captures not just the first-time appearance of the pint-sized prince (with full-fledged armor and a scouter) but also incorporates the aesthetic of general Saiyan battle gear to turn this into a unique genderbent offering. The minimalist design evokes the iconic look of the Saiyan elite fighters, mixing mobility with protection to allow Jessica to move freely across the battlefield (or convention floor, in most cases) while showing off her fit form.

15. A Mutant Mistress Of Metal

Forget Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters; we want to join the Brotherhood and serve this magnificent mutant maestro! Once again, Jessica slays the costume game with her creative designs, adapting the infamous dark and gritty design of Michael Fassbender’s version of Magneto from X-Men: Apocalypse to her own form and style. But it’s the cold and slightly devious facial expression that really brings this costume to life. Much like the magnetic mastermind of the Marvel universe, there’s no telling what this vermillion-armored vixen is going to do next. Is she going to crush us with a storm of metal? Is she going to convince (ie. threaten) us to join her side? We hope it’s the latter rather than the former; there’s only one side in this mutant war, and it’s Jessica’s side!

14. This Overwatch Cosplay Is Crushing It

What happens when you take one part precision German engineering, one part epic cosplayer, and sprinkle on a dose of video games? Well, we’re not sure either, but we do know that this Reinhardt cosplay by Jessica is 100% awesome and worthy of all the honor and glory! Jess really shows us how it’s done by combining her armor-crafting skills with her adaptive sense of style, the result of which can only be described as “the ultimate girl-crush machine.” Overwatch‘s justice-bound juggernaut has never looked so good, and Jessica’s display of technical skill and beautiful badass-ness instantly makes her the (Cos)Player of the Game in our hearts and minds. Lady Nigri, you really hammered this cosplay home, and we salute you for it!

13. The Rarest Of Encounters

Cubone may be a common Pokémon out in the wild, but how many of them look as jawbone-dropping as this? Inspired by traditional tribal wear and the ragged aesthetics of Wasteland festival outfits, Nigri is at her best in this bodacious offering, which utilizes Cubone’s trademark bone weapon as a motif throughout the costume. Savage and sexy, this head-turning costume is an elaborate and fearless endeavor by Jessica, embracing the wild side of her personality and brimming with more confidence than you can shake a Bone Boomerang at. And that’s what makes Jessica such an admirable figure in the cosplay world: she dares to push the envelope with her art, and her passion is very apparent in her work. Mewtwo and Lugia got nothing compared to this legendary catch!

12. We Wubba-Lubba-Love This Cosplay

Lo and behold! We found something sweeter than Szechuan sauce and more exciting than an entire afternoon at Blips & Chitz: a totally hot Rick cosplay by Jessica Nigri! She riggity riggity wrecks our hearts with this sexy little number, and we can’t wait to be whisked away to our next dangerously exciting adventure across the universe by this brainy blue-haired babe. It seems quite fitting that the queen of all things crazy and cosplay would take her shot at recreating the sultan of getting schwifty, and as you can see, the results are quite stunning. Here’s hoping she’ll bust out a Pickle Rick cosplay in the near future. Given her history of donning full-body costumes of lobsters, tacos, and T-Rex’s just for fun, it’s not entirely impossible.

11. This Treasure Hunter Is A Gem

Jessica may be the one who’s all dressed up and looking for treasure, but WE’RE the ones who are treated to an exquisite find! Even the most dangerous tombs and ruins feel like a thrilling vacation when this sultry salvage expert is leading the charge, and maybe she’ll even teach us a thing or two about history along the way. Aside from the costume, which is well-done and has clever personal touches like the scraped knee, a big draw of Jessica’s version of Nathan Drake also comes from the gorgeous locations where this shoot takes place. Calculated photo compositions incorporating forest and river scenery help to create a sense of adventure and urgency in every shot, and Jessica even stretches her parkour muscles in a couple dynamic mid-action pics where she is jumping over rocks and ducking behind ruined buildings.

10. Worthy Of A 1-Up

Jessica must have Blue Shells for eyes, because one look from her has got us stunned! This 1-Up worthy cosplay shows off Jessica’s love for classic consoles and retro games, and even without a Fire Flower she definitely knows how to turn up the heat. I bet if Bowser got an eyeful of this beautiful Bob-ombshell, he wouldn’t be so quick to run off to the nearest castle. Jessica fully embraces the fun and whimsical flavor of the Super Mario Bros. games with this costume, and even with all the photo effects, she still stands as the brightest Super Star of all. And if you’re wondering where Luigi is, don’t worry; Jessica wore this costume as part of a duo photo set with the lovely Lindsay Elyse as her green-garbed sibling, so do yourself a favor and look them up!

9. Fortune And Glory Never Looked So Good

Now for something a bit different! As you can see, Jessica’s costume repertoire is not just confined to video games and cartoons. Even staples of the silver screen such as Indiana Jones are shown some cosplay love, and this delectable doppelganger of the eponymous archaeologist has got us whipped up into a frenzy! Originally meant to be a light travel-friendly outfit for an intense hike through rugged stretches nature, Jessica was struck by inspiration and ingenuity, and turned this casual affair into a sensational saunter into the wilds. We love the rugged, well-traveled aesthetic of this ensemble. Perhaps we’ve caught her in a moment of rest after a rigorous temple run or an encounter of the snaky kind. In any case, we can’t wait to book an express biplane flight to our next adventure with this tantalizing tomb raider (sorry Lara Croft).

8. Her Hotness Level Is Over 9000

There’s no need to summon the Eternal Dragon when Jessica is already making all our wishes come true. I’m just… Saiyan. But in all seriousness, many remember the debut of Jessica’s fem-Goku as a standout moment of her early costuming career, and we can’t help but gush over it even today. What at first seems like a fairly plain costume is elevated to the next (power) level with the effective use of detail work: bloodstains, rips and burns, and even the bruise makeup all add to the effect of this costume, which captures the essence of a post-battle Super Saiyan Goku. No scouter ever made can properly measure the level of badassery that this costume brings, and it really shows another way of cosplaying this king of Kaio-ken.

7. She Has Us Hooked

You don’t want to be in the way when this petite porcine powerhouse is pushing the Payload! We’re going hog wild over this amazing rendition of Overwatch‘s resident hookmaster, and it looks so good that you don’t need to tell us to “Come here!” twice. Roadhog is usually seen as one of the biggest and baddest behemoths on the battlefield, but we’re certainly not complaining about Jessica’s smaller and sexier version. She even made sure to include the finer details of the original design, like the stomach tattoo and individual buttons and patches on the harness. When it comes to Overwatch cosplays, this one-woman apocalypse is a prime specimen that always takes Player of the Game. We’re gonna need healing, ‘cuz cosplay has sunk its hook deep into our hearts.

6. If Looks Could Kill…

In the world of Assassin’s Creed, nothing is true, and everything is permitted. But even so, please permit us to say that there is at least one true fact in this world, and it’s that Jessica is the hottest assassin in the entire Order! The tomahawk-toting renegade of Assassin’s Creed III, Connor Kenway, takes on a whole new life when given the Nigri twist, and the resulting cosplay is as beautiful as it is deadly. This is actually one of two Assassin’s Creed cosplays that Jessica has done, the other being Edward Kenway, and both show off a high amount of attention to detail from the arsenal of assassination tools to the meticulous sewing and button placements. No Leap of Faith required to fall for this alluring assassin!

5. A League Of Her Own

Captain Teemo reporting for duty! This was one of the first League of Legends cosplays that Jessica has done, and made its glorious debut at Anime Expo 2013. Jessica’s love for yordles, the tiniest and most polarizing of League‘s many races, is very apparent in her body of work, and we can credit her infatuation with the the fuzzy denizens of the Rift to this Teemo cosplay. Before she brought her bodacious flair to the likes of Veigar, Ziggs, and Kled, we all got to behold her as the shroom-tossing, dart-spitting scout that we all love/hate. Whether you go AD or AP, Nigri never fails to be OP! This cosplay goes to show that you should never underestimate the power of the Scout’s Code, or the power of Nigri’s creativity.

4. Siren Of The High Seas

 Even the power of the Devil Fruit couldn’t create a cosplay as hot as this! Portgas D. Ace from One Piece gets a sultry and summery makeover in this classic number by Nigri, and the result speaks for itself. The fiery fist fighter looks more like she’s ready for a pool party rather than a punchout! This cosplay made its first appearance at Anime Revolution 2013, and the sunny seasonal locale made a surprisingly fitting backdrop for the occasion. We’re hoping for more One Piece-inspired cosplays like this in the future, and if this one is any indication, they are sure to make waves. Nami better count herself lucky that she doesn’t have to share the spotlight with this seafaring siren, ‘cuz when Jessica’s around, there’s no question as to who the Pirate Queen is here!

3. Long Live The Queen

With killer instincts and killer looks, we’ll gladly follow this khal-turned-khaleesi into the heat of battle! The dothraki from Game of Thrones may be more infamous for their brutality than for their beauty, but Jessica reminds us that it’s always best to get you a girl that can do both. Her savage and sensuous take on Khal Drogo is actually the first cosplay she has done from Game of Thrones, and we hope she continues to enchant and innovate us with more creations from the fan-favorite HBO series. The level of detail and clever adaptation from male to female design is impressive, and Jessica expertly melds ideas into a look that shows off her feminine form while preserving the wild warrior vibes from the original character.

2. She’s The Very Best Like No One Ever Was

No cosplay countdown would be complete without a classic Pokémon costume, and even a popular character like Ash Ketchum never seems to get old when people like Jessica make it look so good! Dubbing herself “Ashley Ketchum,” Jessica kicks the nostalgia hype train into overdrive with this lovely look, which emulates a “girl next door” vibe that has us pulling our best Brock impressions. Fun fact: this isn’t the only time Jessica has cosplayed from Pokémon. Her cosplay catalogue also includes gijinka designs for Cubone, Charizard, Blastoise, Houndoom, Slowking, Litten, all the Eevee-lutions, and even Pikachu, which many consider to be her first breakout cosplay of her career. But speaking of Electric Pokemon, forget Pikachu; Ashley Ketchum, please choose ME to be your partner in your battles and travels!

1. She’s Gonna Rock Your World

By now, you’ve probably already seen this mindblowing cosplay floating around the ol’ Internetz, whether it was in recaps and photo albums of Blizzcon or rampaging around the Lich King ice cream stand at San Diego Comic Con 2017. This cosplay, which is an original design by illustrator extraordinaire Zach Fischer, shows off the best of Jessica’s talents from armormaking to makeup work to posing and photo production. The hours Jessica has spent meticulously hand-crafting these pieces is covered in a video on her YouTube channel, and as we watch the magic unfold we can see her blood, sweat, tears and passion practically pour out of every scene. This costume, representing the efforts of artist and creator and community love, embodies cosplaying at its finest, and easily tops our list as Jessica’s best male character cosplay.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The - 8/21/17 - "15 Steamy Rising YouTubers You Should Be Watching"

Original link:

Long before the lovely ladies of LAN graced our screens via Twitch and, YouTube served as our haven for getting our fix of geek girl goodness. Popular nerd culture video formats such as Let’s Plays, Loot Crate unboxings, and speed runs can all trace their roots back to YouTube, where online audiences eagerly awaited each exciting installment week after week after week. Twitch may have seen a massive rise in popularity as a streaming site for everything related to gaming, cosplay, and Bob Ross, but YouTube still endures as the channel of choice for ongoing content even today.

It should come as no surprise then that there is still a number of enterprising souls who are churning up huge waves on YouTube. These collective queens of content creation continue to charm and enamor us day in and day out with their unique contributions to the worldwide video-verse, and they’re only just getting started. Today we will celebrate our favorite rising YouTube stars and shed a spotlight on the latest and greatest ladies of gaming and geekhood.

Did your favorite female YouTuber make the cut? Who would YOU add on to our list? Let us know in the comments below!

15. Stefanie Joosten - She Really Just Does It All

You may not recognize the name Stefanie Joosten, but if you’re a fan of the Metal Gear franchise of games, you have definitely seen and heard her before! This self-proclaimed otaku served as both the face/body model and voice actress for the character Quiet in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, a role that immediately and effortlessly elevated her as a hot new force in worldwide gaming culture. Prior to her rise as a gaming goddess, her career consisted mainly of small-time acting and modeling gigs in her home country of the Netherlands. However, Joosten appears to have really come into her own as a gaming industry influencer, appearing as a host and journalist at various international gaming and media events, and even performed “Quiet’s Theme” live at the 2016 Game Awards in Los Angeles. Today, she maintains a YouTube channel where she catalogs her travels and forays into media events, and even streams classic video games on Twitch.

14. Yammy XOX - A Pink-Haired Beauty

This pink-haired British beauty, Yammy XOX, first launched her gaming-focused YouTube channel, ChicksCanGame, in 2011, and has been charming audiences ever since. Her main games of choice are Minecraft and Sims 4, both of which spawned her most popular video series formats, the 100 Baby Challenge (Sims 4) and Crazy Craft 3.0 (Minecraft). Other games she’s played on video and stream include Call of Duty, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Garry’s Mod, and a variety of flash, horror, and mobile games. In addition to her solo shenanigans, Yammy is also known for teaming up with other gaming streamers and YouTubers for collaborative playthroughs of various titles. Chief among her friends list are LDShadowLady, Dangthatsalongname, Smallishbeans, Seapeekay, and Joey Graceffa. She even formed her own gaming clan, the Pixel Pact, with LDShadowLady, Vengelfe, MittyMoxx, and others.

13. Amy Lee33 - Crafting Her Way Into Your Heart

Though her channel could still be considered young at only 4 years of activity, Amy Lee33 already boasts an impressive online following, having amassed 500,000 subscribers within her first year and a half of being a YouTuber. Since then, that number has ballooned to over 1 million subscribers to date, and it’s not hard to see why. Her claim to fame is her Minecraft-focused videos and streams, with her appearances and collaborations with fellow creator Stampylongnose in the renowned “Stampy’s Lovely World” standing out among her achievements as a devoted Minecrafter. Her notable contributions to Stampy’s Lovely World include the Lovely Jubbley Love Love Petals, as well as having planted the first rose in Funland, which still stands there today as a testament to Amy’s endeavors.

12. BrizzyVoices - A Woman Of Many Voices

Gamer, voice actress, cosplayer, nerd knowledge extraordinaire, BrizzyVoices does it all! That’s no exaggeration either; between voice acting, cosplay tutorials, daily vlogs, and unboxing/haul videos, it’s hard to think of something that Brizzy hasn’t done yet. A majority of Brizzy’s videos focus on her talents as a voice impressionist and actress, and cover everything from musical performances, parodies, full cast/series impressions, and her famous “MAKE ‘EM SAY IT” challenges. Her most popular videos include “Voice ALL the Original Pokémon” where she does her best impressions of all 151 Pokémon from Generation I, and “After Ever After (Jon Cozart Disney Cover)” where she performs a multi-part song while cosplaying as Disney princesses Pocahontas, Arielle, Belle, and Jasmine. Other voice impression videos have featured characters from Overwatch, Nickelodeon cartoons, and even other YouTubers.

11. Lunity - A Beautiful Songbird

While it isn’t uncommon for musical artists on YouTube to perform song covers as part of their repertoire, Lunity takes it to another level. Rather than stick with the original lyrics and arrangements of today’s most popular songs, Lunity turns them into parody covers and changes their lyrics to reflect the actual gaming experiences of League of Legends players. The catchy radio-friendly hooks and way-too-relatable lyrics are a surprisingly entertaining combination, and it certainly helps that Lunity has the voice and heavenly looks of an angel. Every real life moment from hopping into Duo Queue with someone special (“Duo With You,” a parody of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “I Really Like You”) to dealing with trolls in bad games (“Blame Me,” a parody of Ariana Grande’s “Break Free”) is beautifully and hilariously captured by this key-smashing songbird, and players will certainly find solace from the in-game saltiness by listening to Lunity’s music.

10. Strawburry17 - From YouTuber to TV Host

From music maker to geek queen to Disney XD hostess, Meghan Camarena a.k.a. Strawburry17 is a prime example of what passion, persistence, and personality can accomplish. She started her YouTube career in 2009 as a musician, performing covers of Owl City, He Is We, and even trending songs like “I’m A Gummy Bear” alongside her brother and friends. While Meghan’s penchant for performance garnered her a large devoted following early on, it wasn’t until she began vlogging in 2010 through her IRL channel “Lifeburry” that she found her stride as an influential YouTube persona. Through Lifeburry, she would share her daily activities with her fans (“Burries”) and allowed audiences to tag along in her journey to follow her passion and build up her career. It wasn’t long before her efforts payed off, as she saw breakthrough success through her inclusion in The Amazing Race 22 & 24, a role on web series Video Game High School, and eventually landing into her current role as a hostess for Disney XD.

9. Nicki Taylor - Her Voice Is As Beautiful As Her Face

California-based crooner Nicki Taylor is more than just a pretty face. She is also the showstopping voice behind two of the most famous songs in League of Legends history: “Here Comes Vi,” the intro song for the eponymous steam-powered punch girl, and “Worlds Collide,” the acclaimed theme of the 2015 League of Legends Season 5 World Championship Finals. A capable artist in her own right, Nicki also wrote and recorded her own original songs, which can be heard on her YouTube channel, and has collaborated with other notable music nerds in the League community, including Lunity, Instalok, and Falconshield. Her recent videos have documented her travels to Japan, Mexico, and PAX East, performing live at various gaming events, and highlights from her gameplay Twitch streams.

8. MittyMoxx - Our Favorite Mermaid

This green-haired gamer and makeup artist began her YouTube career in 2011 with coverage of her visit to Minecon, and she has quickly grown into a beloved member of the Minecraft community. Mitty’s videos consist of playthroughs and commentaries on her adventures in Minecraft and The Sims, including a whimsical soap opera-esque series called “Wifey-Craft,” wherein she engages in a story of “Minecraft marriage” with fellow Minecraft maniacs Sly, ImmortalHD, and Rachelkip. She is also part of the Pixel Pact formed by Yammy XOX and LDShadowLady. Aside from gaming, Mitty also shows off her sick makeup artistry in her videos, having created stunning looks for formal, fun, and fantastical occasions. Recently, Mitty started another channel, “Mr. Mitty,” which focuses on fashion, beauty, and DIY projects.

7. AshleyMariee - Slaying The Instagram Game

While this siren certainly slays the selfie game on Twitter and Instagram, AshleyMariee is best known for her variety gaming channels on YouTube and Twitch, as well as her irresistable charm and refreshing sense of transparency in her videos. The sheer breadth of her portfolio is its own tour de force, covering everything from Let’s Plays, Mod Showcases, Q&A’s, singing, and travel vlogs. Ashley’s games library is just as immense, with PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Minecraft, Overwatch, Dead By Daylight, and Dream Daddy comprising the content of her recent videos. But the prominent feature of Ashley’s channel is her “Q&A Saturdays,” where she steps away from the games and gets real with her viewers. Attentive audiences are allowed an inside look into Ashley’s life and mind, and experience Ashley’s genuineness for themselves.

6. Vixella - A Vivacious Violet-Haired Beauty

The vivacious violet-haired video gamer Vixella is a renowned player of The Sims 4, and hosts a variety of Sims-related videos on her YouTube channel. She made her debut on Christmas Eve of 2013 with her holiday-themed offering “The Sims 3: Create A Sim | Christmas Inspired,” and her content is centered mainly on Let’s Plays, character creation, and build/playthrough challenges. Her vibrant fashion sense and even more vibrant personality breathe new life into her Sims videos, adding extra flair to her playthroughs of speed builds, Parenthood, and Legacy Challenges. Her earlier Sims uploads also feature the 100 Baby Challenge, various Let’s Builds, Disney Legacy, and Custom Content showcases. Other game titles that grace Vixella’s video library include Minecraft, Farmville, Roblox, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing.

5. Alodia Gosiengfiao - A Filipina Beauty

Quezon City’s queen of cosplay has certainly stepped up her game over the years, rising to new heights as an advocate for player and game industry development in Asian countries, as well as an international influencer who represents Eastern gaming and media culture. Alodia has already established herself as a household name in the Philippines, and is quickly approaching that same level of renown in cosplay and gaming communities all over the world. Her YouTube channel is both a monument to her achievements as a creator and a living snapshot of her personal growth, and showcases her cosplay work, worldly travels, and appearances at media events in various countries. While many know her as a huge fan of DotA 2, she has recently shown love for League of Legends, Final Fantasy, and Horizon Zero Dawn.

4. LDShadowLady - Her Personality’s As Colorful As Her Hair

Deriving her name from her Xbox gamertag, LDShadowLady first showed up in the YouTube scene as a Call of Duty player in 2010. Soon after, she expanded her video game repertoire with her introduction to Minecraft in 2011, where her channel received a significant boost in subscribers following her appearance on YouTuber ZackScottGames’ personal Minecraft server. Known for her various serial videos including “Let’s Play Minecraft,” “Minecraft Singleplayer,” and “Shadowcraft 1&2,” LDShadowLady has firmly established herself as one of the top Minecraft players and personalities in the United Kingdom, with her current subscribers numbering over 3 million. Though she eventually integrated MMORPGs, horror games, and FPS titles into her videos, she first and foremost remains as one of the most colorful and lovable mistresses of Minecraft.

3. OMGitsfirefoxx - This Girl’s Foxy

Though she is relatively new to the YouTube scene, OMGitsfirefoxx saw early success as a gamer and vlogger due her recurring role on the 2014 Minecraft Let’s Play series, “Mianite,” which she hosted alongside CaptainSparklez, ii_Jericho_ii, and Syndicate. She went on to find further success through streaming on Twitch and posting videos on YouTube, and in addition to Minecraft, she has also recently played Overwatch and Counterstrike: Global Offensive. Aside from gaming, her streams also feature creative sessions where she makes art using perler beads. Among her most noteworthy achievements are inclusion on the Forbes “30 Under 30” list in 2016, being named the Most Followed Female On Twitch by Guinness World Records 2017: Gaming Edition, and hosting the 2017 SXSW Gaming Awards in Austin, TX.

2. Pterodactylsftw - She’ll Beat You In LoL Any Day

One of the most prolific solo gamers of the Team Dignitas family, this dino-titled diva has had quite an amazing journey to where she is now. Pterodactylsftw began as a casual League of Legends fan who struck up an unexpected friendship with Dignitas’ former star League player Scarra at a convention. This chance encounter led to Team Dignitas inviting her to join as a standalone Counterstrike streamer, where she reached the rank of Supreme Master: First Class in 2015. In 2016, Pterodactylsftw achieved yet another top placement, this time as a Junkrat and Roadhog main in Overwatch, where she ranked #77 in the world for competitive play. Though her YouTube presence is derived mainly from the main Team Dignitas channel, she nonetheless continues to represent gaming prowess and excellence on behalf of her team.

1. KayPea - A Canadian Beauty

While this Canada-based League of Legends streamer certainly needs no introduction, we can’t help but gush over KayPea anyways. She got her start as a League streamer under the banner of Siv Industries in 2014, but left in 2016 to strike out her own path. Finding her stride as a solo queue extraordinaire, KayPea began featuring the sickest and silliest moments of her gaming streams as montage videos on YouTube, and now regularly posts highlight reels of narrow escapes, clutch objective steals, and skillful/accidental kills and outplays. Though most high-ranking solo queue players eventually get picked up by gaming organizations to play professionally, KayPea has enjoyed a considerable amount of success as a one-woman act, and continues to enchant fans with her explosive personality, charming facial expressions, and entertaining League gameplay. There is no denying KayPea’s formidable presence within the online gaming realm, and she easily tops our list for rising YouTubers that you should be watching NOW!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

The - 8/12/17 - "15 Of The Steamiest Jessica Nigri Cosplays"

Original link:

You can’t talk about cosplay without talking about Jessica Nigri. She was among the first cosplayers that helped to bring the art of being a nerd to the forefront of entertainment culture, and continuously brings innovation, passion, and a much-welcomed sense of honesty and goofiness to today’s convention scene. She continuously pushes the envelope with her creations, and her costume portfolio is very diverse, hosting a wide breadth of video game, anime, pop culture, and modeling works. Jessica is also notable for being able to rock amazingly-detailed and creatively-designed costume armor in one moment, and then sexy and playful outfits in the next moment.

So rejoice, dear readers, because the latter of her two costume styles will be the focus of today’s feature! It’s no secret that this cosplaying siren of silliness has a sultry side that she’s not afraid to flaunt, and we absolutely love her for it! So let’s not drag out the anticipation any longer, and jump right into our list! Marvel at the beauty and allure of the cosplay queen that is… Jessica Nigri!

15. Savage Rogue (X-Men)

This is definitely not your average mutant costume! Based on the raggedy version of Rogue from the Savage Land story arc from the Uncanny X-Men comics, Jessica trades the Nuwali-made wilds for the summery shores of her local beach in order to show off this simple yet sultry ensemble. But don’t let a name like “Savage Rogue” put you off. Through the wildness, Jessica’s sweetness still shines through in her brilliant ocean-blue eyes and slight smile. Canonically, Rogue was stripped of her powers while she was in the Savage Land, but who needs powers when you look this gorgeous in nothing but rags? Magneto may have only had a short-lived romantic interest in our favorite power-draining heroine, but we’re 100% head-over-heels for Jessica in this cosplay!

14. Freddy Krueger, Bishouju Version

This is one Freddy Krueger that gives us nothing but sweet dreams! Beyond a mere genderbent cosplay, this bold new design is actually a product of Japanese illustrator Shunya Yamashita. Yamashita’s art inspired a whole line of bishouju (“beautiful girl”) statues that reimagine iconic movie characters like Chucky and Jason Voorhees as bright-eyed anime-style beauties. The claw-wielding dream killer Freddy Krueger is among the most famous of these designs, and Jessica captures the sinister-meets-sexy aesthetic of Yamashita’s illustration perfectly. The classic Krueger elements are all there, from the striped sweater to the clawed glove and brown hat, while evoking the allure of Yamashita’s redesign. Fun fact: this is also referred to as the Kotobukiya version of Freddy, named after the online distributing company that ships these figures across the U.S.

13. BAEwatch Mercy (Baywatch/Overwatch Mashup)

Mercy me, this is one sizzling character mashup! When it comes to cosplay, sometimes less is more, and with Jessica we get a lot more than meets the eye! At first glance, this looks like just a regular swimsuit, but note the red hue of the piece. This evokes the classic color scheme of everyone’s favorite daytime TV series about lifeguards, Baywatch. Not too surprising, considering that a rebooted Baywatch movie was released recently. But wait! It’s not just a simple Baywatch cosplay either! Check out Jessica’s hairdo, which should look suspiciously familiar to any online gaming devotees who have ever screamed out for healing. That’s right, it’s the same hair as Mercy from Overwatch! The result is a beautiful and subtly brilliant design, expertly conceived and modeled by the lovely Ms. Nigri.

12. Mad Moxxi (Borderlands)

In the words of Mad Moxxi herself, are you ready for this? Well, we certainly weren’t ready for to be blown away by this bedside bombshell of a costume! It is befitting that Jessica chose a bedroom boudoir-style look for this cosplay, given how shamelessly promiscuous the original Hodunk hostess from the Borderlands is known to be. Even the “tip jar” sign is cheeky nod to Moxxi’s streak for immodesty, though Jessica keeps it classy and (mostly) safe for work in this shot. Jessica also does the normal full costume of Mad Moxxi, but we like this “behind-the-scenes” concept a lot; it fits the essence of Moxxi very well, and almost feels like it could be an actual hidden Easter Egg from the game itself. Perhaps the developers snuck it into one of the DLCs after seeing Jessica’s cosplay!

11. Nidalee (League Of Legends)

Normally, we would flee in terror if a spear-wielding predator confronted us in the wilds, but this is one headhunting hottie that we can’t help but stop and stare at. Jessica once again proves her creativity through the masterful use of both costume and environment to convey this cunning creation from League of Legends. Precision and attention to detail make these deceptively simple-looking pieces pop, and setting it against the forest backdrop only adds to the story. The spearhead and teeth bones, which were crafted by propmaker Vensy, are a nice touch to this costume. The jungle-jumping Nidalee has never looked so good, and we can’t wait for her to emerge and gank our lane. Keep the Cougar Form at home; we’ll take this gorgeous Human Form any day!

10. Rikku (FFX-2)

Even the most devoted of Al Bhed need a break from sphere hunting every now and then! Jessica shows that her summer bod is always ready with her Rikku cosplay, and she’s ready to kick back and catch some rays. Despite how minimal this costume may appear, the details from the original design are carefully captured, from the beads in the hair to the individual knots on the arm covers. This well-made work shines superbly in this shot, and whether she’s swimming along the shores of Southern California or bumping around blitzballs by the beaches of Besaid, Jessica goes from beach bum to beach beauty with just one glance. Final Fantasy X-2 certainly encouraged you to swap around dress spheres, but there’s no need to switch out from this sizzling number! This must be the Thief dress sphere, because Jessica just stole our hearts with this cosplay!

9. Black Cat, Boudoir (Marvel)

This cat burglar will take your jewels, but not before taking your breath away! Jessica’s jaw-dropping rendition of Felicia Hardy (a.k.a. Black Cat) shows how the feline-themed femme fatale may spend her free time between heists. We can definitely imagine her slipping into more casual attire, stretching out in front of the fire, and enjoying a glass of fine wine while daydreaming about Peter Parker. Even while in “casual” mode, Jessica still shows off her classy yet commanding presence, with her outfit adorned with diamonds (possible spoils from her last job) and her eye mask retaining a sensuality and sense of mystery about what lies beneath her stone-cold exterior. Here’s hoping we manifest our own spider powers soon so that this Black Cat will finally notice us.

8. Veigar, Boudoir (League of Legends)

Yordles may be one of the most hated species in League of Legends, but one look at this not-so-Tiny Mistress of Evil may change your mind! The League’s diminutive dealer of dark magic gets a delightful and dreamy twist with Jessica’s genderbent boudoir version of Veigar. Discarding the dreadful robes and wizard staff, Jessica gives us a sensual look at the most malicious champion of the Rift, weaving her own brand of magic with her killer eyes and curvaceous form. And as you can see, she doesn’t need to cast Event Horizon in order to stun us; one glance at her can stop even the most fed junglers dead in their tracks. Simply put, if looks could kill, Jessica would be on a Legendary spree with this outfit.

7. Arcade Miss Fortune, Boudoir (League Of Legends)

That’s no glitch in the Matrix; that’s you doing a double take at this Double-Tapping game diva! When League of Legends‘ dual-wielding marks(wo)man Miss Fortune gets the Nigri treatment, the results are pixel-perfect. In this picture by Fake Nerd Boy, Jessica is rendered as a gaming goddess dressed in Pixel Panties and a Vensy-made hat and headphones, and one look is enough to leave players and trolls alike in Shock and Awe. As both a costumer and a gamer, Jessica knows when to come out Guns Blazing and when to take it easy and relax. After long marathons of ski-ball and Dance Dance Revolution at the local arcade, even the most hardcore gamers need to unwind, and Jessica captures that sentiment beautifully here. Game geek? Gorgeous fashionista? Get you a girl that can do both!

6. Lucoa (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)

Regardless of who you think is best waifu material on Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, we can all agree one one think: Jessica is the sexiest Lucoa we’ve seen so far. Rocking a swimsuit/boudoir mashup of the character, Miss Nigri shows off the best of the character’s… um, personality in this playful and sensual shot. But alongside the sexiness is the confidence; Jessica rocks everything she wears, and is certain to capture the essence of any character she cosplays even as she puts her own spin on them. The multicolored palette of Lucoa’s hair and eyes is said to be drawn from the characteristic rainbow hues of Quetzalcoatl, the dragon on which she is based, but we’re okay with Jess showing off her human side and keeping all that scary dragon-ness hidden for now.

5. Ahri, Cat Keyhole Lingerie (League Of Legends)

This cosplay turns the meme into a dream, and is perfect for your League team! Japanese-designed cat keyhole lingerie was big in the fashion and cosplay community in 2016, and even though it has come and gone, we can still appreciate the cosplay trends it has inspired. Like this feisty fusion of fad and fur, which never fails to light a Fox-Fire in our hearts. The animalistic aesthetics of Ahri work surprisingly well with the feline fashion piece, and when you’ve got Jessica Nigri putting on display, one can’t help but be Charmed. That mischievous smile, those piercing eyes, the fluffy tails, this costume has a little bit of everything for everyone! Seeing this almost makes us miss the meme-worthy trends of yester-year. Almost.

4. Pool Party Ziggs (League Of Legends)

This summery take on League‘s boisterous Hexplosives Expert looks like it’s ready to make a splash! The first round of Pool Party skins for champions sent huge waves through the community with their festive and fun seasonal designs. And of course, when we think festive and fun, we think of Nigri, who wasted no time getting in on the poolside action. Everything about this costume is silly and lighthearted, from the duck-shaped floatie to the arm wings and even the comically-huge swim goggles. Jessica herself has expressed how much fun she had making and wearing this cosplay, and we can see that energy shine through in every part of it. With so much summer crammed into one picture, we got the itch to find the nearest pool and dive right in! Bombs away!

3. Swimsuit Cinder (RWBY)

Once again, we have another example of Jessica showing off her voice acting talents in tandem with her cosplay talents. She provided the voice of Cinder in the English dub of American anime web series RWBY, and even though Cinder proves to be the bane of Team RWBY’s existence, this is one villainous vixen we can’t help but love. This Cinder-themed swimsuit was actually a present from one of Jessica’s fans, revealed on a past episode of Mail Mondays on her YouTube channel. As is typical of Jessica, she immediately showed love to her fans by doing a pool shoot with her new gift right after receiving it, and the results are RED HOT! We love when artists get into character, and Jessica makes for the most sensational Cinder we’ve ever laid eyes on.

2. Super Sonico

Here’s a fun bit of trivia: Jessica actually provided the English voice dubs for Super Sonico in the SoniComi video games, which were released on PC through Steam in 2011 and on PS3 in 2014. It’s only natural that a Super talented artist like Jessica would be able to capture Sonico’s beauty and grace not only in voice, but in costume as well. Sonico’s numerous appearances in games, novels, toys and other media may have resulted in a wide range of visual variations, but our favorite version is definitely the Jessica Nigri version. She rocks the trademark headphones and Cherry Red SG electric guitar that are emblematic of Sonico, while bringing her own flair to the character with a frilly white lingerie set, suggesting a momentary rest break in the pink-haired idol’s bustling music career.

1. Casual Tracer (Overwatch)

Cheers, love! The eye-candy is here! Overwatch‘s fan favorite Tracer is known for her English-inspired charm and insane mobility, but this version certainly has a lot more assets to bear. Jessica’s take on the time-skipping adventurer is so tantalizing that we can’t even Blink. As you can see, she has put aside the Pulse Pistols and chronal accelerator for the time being and Slipstreamed into more comfortable gear. Perhaps she’s enjoying some downtime between pushing payloads and capturing points? Or maybe getting ready for a quiet night of snuggles with Emily? Either way, we’ll have no trouble trying to Recall this vision of beauty in our minds. It was tough trying to decide which of Jessica’s amazing looks topped our list, but for this one, we’ll happily settle on a spot of tea and time travel. Keep calm and Nigri on!